about me

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I'm karim samir , I have 17 years old ,I love football. I love direct and filmmaking and writing and I write some loglines and short stories. I love reading books and love learning anything new and try anything and taking risks. I love programming and made many of websites and some small games, and I worked for some comapnies . I hate losing time doing useless things beacause time is the most valuable thing a man can spend,I'm trying to spend the time doing valuable thing to my self development Now I want to be filmmaker => director and writer :"Filmmaking is a chance to live many lifetimes" but not sure yet,and I can change my mind after some times, I didn't decide yet. But I'm sure that I will be a Successfull man offering something valuable to the world in my field. and I am not what happened to me , I am what I choose to become. I really beleive that anyone can do anything he want, and really there is nothing can stop you to achieve your dream except you ,just get off your ass and start working hard on the thing you really love. and some of my favourite quotes that I really beleived are :"in this live I don't lose, I either win or learn a lesson ", "failure is success in progress", " the extent of Success is measured by the number of failures", "you can't live without a dream or a goal you want to achieve". I hate technology beacause technology wastes time on any useless things and things that haven't any meaning at all for the majority of people and teeanagers ,they spend many and many time scrolling a fucking screen and they don't understand that they lost and lost time and they don't know the value of time, time is really the wisest counselor of all and never returns , and all the people must know the value of time and how spending it.

I hate people who like balance, that means there are many people not doing what the love beacause they are fear of failure or don't want to take risk and want to working in a stable job and stable financial return that is really fucking shit , fear of taking risks equal 100% failure, if you want to be Successfull so you must taking risks on the thing you really Love or you will never work at the job you love and you stay stable in your live, so you must taking risks and try and fail and try and fail and fail and try that are the things that Successfull people do all the time because if you are unwilling to fail then you are unwilling to success. I hate people who fear about education specific 3 secondary and think that this year deterimine your future or your job, Definitely not ,It's not true at all , logically, how does a year determine your future?!!!! there are many and many people who failed in education and didn't get a high score in 3 secondary but they successed in their live at the job they really love and want , and they became very Successfull persons and valuable persons who offering something useful to the world like many person like:"amr salama, mo salah, ahmed helmy, tamer hosny, ahmed mourad , wilt disney, tarantino, ahmed mourad, karim mahmoud abdel-aziz and many others", so you don't have at all to get a high degree to enter college of Engineering or Faculty of medicine to be a Successfull man and the people respect you, that is really fucking shit, you must enter the thing you really Love and really want to work on it, not beacause of people to value you or beacause that is the traditional, or beacause of your parent want that , that is your fucking life, and that is yours.